Thursday, 28 January 2010
Eating prior to exercise
You must not only time your food intake so that the fuel becomes available during the exercise period but you must eat the right food also . Food eaten before exercise should provide adequate carbohydrate. It should also be low in fat and moderate in fibre to make digestion easier and reduce the risk of gastrointestinal discomfort (belly ache!). Click here to get more detailed information about eating before exercise.
How much carbohydrate and how much protein should a triathlete eat as part of their diet? This continues to be a topic of much debate and there are a number of opinions out there. For more information about carbohydrates and protein intake in relation to exercise just click on the appropriate macro-nutrient!
This info should help you get through our Sunday morning double-header! Tim (LFTC Coach)
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
Sunday, 24 January 2010
Map your run in UK - route355489: LF TRI CLUB 24TH JAN 2010
Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Hi Everyone,
Here's an intial design for the club's kit.
Hope you all like it and would be great to have your comments.
(Click the image to enlarge)
Cheers Guy
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
Set yourself an end of season goal
Support triathlon at the grass roots level (I've signed up already)! Tim (LFTC Coach)
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
Fancy an early morning run?
Rob Popper has been taking early morning running sessions at Millfields Park for the past year. The park is well lit, has railings to lock up bikes and a 1km well lit path for circuits, intervals and general training. Rob is happy to open up the session to members of the London Fields Triathlon Club. Sessions start promptly at 6:00am on a Tuesday morning. They run for about an hour and go something like this:
- 15-20 min of warm-ups
- 30-40 min of main set
- 5-10 min cool down and stretching
They also talk a lot about various training goals people have planned in their triathlon training year ahead, as well as things like the importance of hydration and nutrition for all the different skill levels and distances people might be training for.
They cater for all skill levels from complete novices for whom a 30-40 min main session is a challenge but one they want to achieve, up to European and World Age Group champions, Iron-people, and ultra-marathoners. Rob will teach you how to train smart, keep improving, and work with other athletes to be motivated and effective.
For the next few weeks, they will be doing some fun runs, with about 15 minutes of warm-ups and then 45-75 minutes of running along the canal and the marshes at an easy, conversational pace. They would usually structure it so that people who want to do the shorter run will be led back to Millfields Park by 7:00 am, and then the rest can carry on for another 30 minutes or so, depending on how much time people would like to spend running around the marshes or when they have to be back home.
Here is a location map: If you want to attend send us an email and we will put you in touch with Rob.
Go on get up early! Tim (LFTC Coach) and Rob
We are just too popular!
It seems we have created quite a stir with the establishment of the London Fields Triathlon Club. That’s great! However it means our swim session is very popular and tends to be fully booked well in advance. We only have one double lane available to us. To keep the session enjoyable and to have the right coach to athlete ratio we have to limit numbers. I have a few suggestions for those people that miss out:
- Have a look at our blog. Choose one of the sample swim sessions (or a part of it) and swim in one of the other lanes on Sunday morning so you can join us for the run.
- Have a look at the Outdoor Swimming Society's website. They also run coached sessions on a Sunday at the Lido. The block of sessions for Jan/Feb has already started but there may be places available. The sessions are coached by Swim For Tri.
- Swim for Tri also run a number of other coached swim sessions throughout London including Clissold Pool. Have a look at their website to see if there is something that suits.
I hope that helps solve your swimming woes! Tim (LFTC Coach)
Sample run session plan 1.
- 5-10mins jog around London Fields to warm up. RPE 11-12.
- If you prefer to perform static stretches pre-run this is the time to do them. I use the drills below as a form of dynamic stretch and perform static stretches post-run only.
- Perform the drills in my Running Tips 1 blog
- The route: Head down through Broadway towards Regent's Canal. Cross the road and head onto the canal heading East. Follow the canal until you get to the first gate to enter Victoria Park. Enter Victoria Park.
- Short route: Follow the path from the canal and then turn right on the main path. Follow the main path that loops around the West end of the park and back to the gate that you entered the park from. Return to London Fields Lido via the same route (total 4.5km).
- Medium route: Follow the path from the canal and then turn right on the main path. Follow the main path that loops around the West end of the park, exit the Crown Gate West and cross the road entering the Crown Gate East. Follow the main path around the outside of the East end of the park to Royal Gate East. Exit the Royal Gate East and cross the road entering the Royal Gate West. Follow the main path straight in front of you around to the gate that you entered the park from. Return to London Fields Lido via the same route (total 7.5km).
- Long route: Follow the medium route above but complete two laps of the Victoria Park (total 12km).
- Jog/walk 5-10mins in London Fields
- Static stretches for calf, hamstrings, quadriceps, hip flexors, gluteals and trunk.
Have fun! Tim (LFTC Coach)
Planning your own swim sessions
Swim Tips 3
Planning your triathlon training
- What is it that you are trying to achieve by participating in triathlon?
- Have you set a goal(s) for the season/month/week/session?
- Do you have a race(s) that you plan to compete in?
- If you have more than one race in mind which race(s) will you make a priority?
- How much time do you have to devote to training?
- How much time do you want to devote to training?
- Could you fit training in as part of a regular daily routine such as biking or running to/from from work?
- What are your strengths and what are your weaknesses?
- Are you prone to injury in a particular discipline and why might this be?
To give you some idea of how a twelve week off-season training plan might be structured for sprint, olympic, middle or long distance triathlon take a look at these training plans prepared by Joe Beer of 22oTriathlon magazine. Just click on the distance: Sprint, Olympic, Middle and Long.
Joe Beer will be at this year's TCR Show and doing short 1-2-1 sessions to answer your questions about training, nutrition and equipment etc. at the Tri Clinic Live.
I hope that helps you! Tim (LFTC Coach)Monday, 11 January 2010
Running Tips 1
Try them out in your next run session. Tim (LFTC Coach)
Sample Swim Session 2
Warm up
- 4x100m 100m FC, 100m kick on front, 100m FC, 100m catch up. Rest 10sec between each 100m. RPE 11-12.
Main set
- 5x100m FC, RPE 13, rest 20sec between each 100m.
- 5x150m FC, RPE 15, rest 30sec between each 150m.
- 5x200m FC, RPE 13, rest 45sec between each 200m.
Cool down
- 100m alternating 6 strokes FC with 6 strokes BaS, RPE 11-12, rest 20sec.
- 100m FC, RPE 11-12, rest 20sec.
- 100m alternating 3 strokes single arm FC with 3 strokes FC, RPE 11-12, rest 20sec.
- 100m FC, RPE 11-12, rest 20sec.
Abbreviations: BaS = Backstroke. The other abbreviations you have come across in previous blogs.
You can modify this session to suit your own level of fitness. For example, you could just complete the 5x100m, or the 5x150m, or the 5x200m as your main set. You could also combine the 5x100m with the 5x150m or the 5x100m with the 5x200m to make a tougher main set. Changing the sequence of the main set is another option. For example, performing the set in reverse. Each change will give your body a slightly different physiological challenge. Try this in your own swim sessions to keep your workouts interesting.
Leave a comment to let us know what you thought of the session. Happy training! Tim (LFTC Coach)
Sunday, 10 January 2010
Sample Swim Session 1
If it looks too hard you could reduce the main set to something more manageable. For those of you who find it difficult to put your face in the water, get some well-fitting goggles and just try doing the sculling drills while calmly breathing out in the water and then lifting your head to take a breath when you need it by performing a few breaststroke strokes. Put your face back in the water and repeat for 25m. Then just perform breaststroke for 25m.
Warm Up:
- 200m FC, RPE 12 (easy).
- 4x100m Sculling drills 1-4, perform each drill for 25m then FC 25m and repeat x2 (=100m), RPE 12.
- 2x50m FC, perform 25m with a closed fist then 25m with an open hand, RPE 12. How many strokes did you take for the first 25m versus the second 25m?
- Novice - 3x200m FC, RPE 13-14 (somewhat hard to moderately hard), 40sec recovery.
- Intermediate - 5x200m FC, RPE 13-14, 40sec recovery.
- Advanced - 8x200m FC, RPE 13-14, 40sec recovery.
- 50m FC, 50m BrS, 50m FC, 50m your choice. RPE 12.
Let me know what you think of the session by leaving a comment if you like.
Enjoy! Tim (LFTC Coach)
Swim Tips 2
1. Swim in the appropriate lane. Most pools and lidos will have lanes marked as slow, medium and fast. A fast swimmer in the slow lane can be a bit scary for those lacking confidence in the water. Equally a slow swimmer in the fast lane can mean faster swimmers have to constantly overtake which can be dangerous if you meet someone coming in the opposite direction!
2. As you approach the end of the pool, glance over your shoulder to check the coast is clear and then drift towards the opposite side of the pool to turn, push off and begin your next lap. This can help prevent congestion at the end of the pool.
3. Give yourself enough space. Try not to push off and follow right on someone else's heels. Pause and leave a gap. This way you may not have to overtake a slower swimmer. If someone is on your heels, pause at the end of the pool and let them past and then continue on.
4. Keep close to the lane rope. That way you are less likely to have a head on collision and if someone does have to pass you (and hopefully they won't - see Tip 3) they will have enough room to do so without endangering anyone swimming in the opposite direction.
5. Watch where you are going! As a triathlete you will have to get used to 'sighting' (looking up to see where you are). It is easy to have a quick look ahead to see if you are about to swim over someone or see if someone is about to swim into you (and hopefully they won't - see Tip 3 and 4).
By the way, your 'lane etiquette' in the first session was great, but for those of you joining us in the future, follow the above tips and we can all continue to enjoy the club swim sessions.
See ya! Tim (LFTC Coach)
Saturday, 9 January 2010
A Simple Measure of Training Intensity
Why start at 6 and go to 20? A high correlation exists between a person's perceived exertion rating times 10 and the actual heart rate during physical activity. A person's exertion rating may provide a fairly good estimate of the actual heart rate during activity (Borg, 1998). For example, if a person's rating of perceived exertion (RPE) is 14, then 14 x 10 = 140; so the heart rate should be approximately 140 beats per minute. Of course heart rate is very variable between individuals and depends on genetic factors, environmental factors and an individual's physical condition.
To get the best out of your training think about want you want to achieve in that session and consider what exercise intensity would be best to achieve the desired result. It is not desirable to always push yourself as hard as possible. This could result in over-training and/or injury.
See you at the next session. Tim (LFTC Coach)
Swim Tips 1